Friday, April 13, 2012

The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams. -Eleanor Roosevelt

I know, I know. It's been over a month. I missed blogging, but honestly, I had no free time. So many things have happened. I went back to brunette (I kind of miss my blonde hair tho!), I went to Texas over spring break and got to see Cowboy Stadium (GO COWBOYS!!!), and I got a summer internship!!! I am beyond excited to get started on it. Even though it is unpaid, I know that the expierience will be well worth my time. I signed up for my senior classes (I still don't think that I have fully grasped the idea that I literally have one year left here). I think I'll just sit back and enjoy the rest of my time I mean these have been the best years of my life.

Gossip Girl came back after it's month off!! Ok, so I hate what is going on with the show right now, but I have hope that Chuck and Blair will get back together. #TeamChairForLife. I've even been watching the first and second seasons just to see them together, I should get help.

So I tried Pinterest. I don't "love" it. But, I don't hate it either. I guess I just don't get it. Maybe it's due to the fact that I don't have as much time as I used to to just get online (Thanks to the fabulous internet provided by McCormick Place).

Classes are going great. Well, I should say my communication classes are going great. I'm taking my last gen. ed class so I'm in History of Aviation. Let's just say I thought it would be a lot more interesting than it actually is. Next semester I'm only taking classes related to my major, so I already know I will enjoy it.

For those of you keeping track, my birthday is coming up. I will FINALLY be 21. I am seriously the youngest of my friends!

I want to take my blog in a new direction, but I'm not sure what at the moment. I hope that once school is done for the summer I will have more free time on my hands. I promise I will try to blog more often. I know that I will want to share my wonderful experiences I have this summer, so be ready!
