Saturday, July 7, 2012

Letting Go

Someone once told me that you learn something new everyday, and I completely agree with them. In my young life I have met so many people. Some in which things did not end so well. At the time I had absolutely no intention of speaking to them again. Honestly, I hated them. But things do change. I feel like I am a complete different person than I was back then. I've learned to let things go. There is no point of holding onto something that happened in the past. Having the ability to forgive and forget is one of the best things that one can have.  I found out what really mattered. In the end, the people that you need are right there with you. I do sometimes wish that I would have done things differently, but that's part of growing up. We can't change what happened in the past, but we can make sure that it doesn't affect our future. I've learned to be happy and thankful for what I do have. I truly do wish every single person I have met the best. I've let everything go, and I hope everyone can do the same.