Sunday, November 20, 2011

American Music Awards

Ok so who didn't watch this? I feel like lately all the music awards should be called the Taylor Swift-Selena Gomez-Justin Bieber awards. Besides the fact that they were front and center (at all times..) it was a pretty good show. I loved Nikki Minaj (she showed us she was a real girl walking in those tall heels and struggling, go her!) How about that awkward moment when Rihanna and Chris Brown were up against each other for an award? I was personally routing for Rihanna, I mean us girls got to stick together. Ok let's talk about how Bruno Mars beat Justin Bieber in Male Artist of the Year (I was soooooo happy). For real though, Bruno deserved it and well, let's be honest, Justin has like a billon fans and when its a fan based vote its good to see the under-dog win. Ok and for Best Female I was totally routing on Adele she really deserved it with her amazing voice. It's unfortunate she had to undergo surgery but hopefully she will be back soon and have more amazing music for all of us to enjoy. Was anyone really surprised when Taylor Swift won? I mean she was.. just like she's surprised when she wins every single other award. Loved the ending. LMFAO knows how to close a party (every day they're shufflin'). And Justin Bieber was hilarious, I definitely was not expecting him to show up and dance.

Ok so I am beyond pumped that I'm leaving for Thanksgiving break tomorrow evening. No school for a week=happy Edith. It's hard to believe this semester is almost over, but I get to see my family in about a month and I couldn't be more excited. Hope everyone has a great break.

xoxo Edith... oh btw Gossip Girl's 100th episode comes on tomorrow and I am so excited to see it (just like I am excited to see every other episode). I have no shame in loving it, I mean at least I like things and I'm not hating every single moment of life.