Sunday, January 29, 2012

RIP Facebook

I read an article today about how facebook would be changing everyones profiles to the new timeline starting in February. It had now only been an option and people could change to it if they pleased. I think after months (maybe even years) of thinking Facebook would soon be the new myspace, it's finally actually happening. Before today, I honestly do not even remember the last time I even posted anything on there. The truth is, we love new things. And that new thing is Twitter and Pinterest. I will admit that at first I had curiosity about Pinterst when a friend of mine told me about it, so I went to the website and joined. But, as of today I have not posted anything. Twitter on the other hand, I love (follow me :) @EdithGonzalez01). It's a fun place where I feel I can just say what is on my mind. Well back to the whole Facebook thing. Have you ever felt like you want to say something but just feel like you can't say it? That's Facebook. And then we have the people who actually decide that Facebook will be serving as their own personal diary and tell the world what is going on in their lives (like the stuff we REALLY don't want to hear). Thank god for the delete button. I can't even say how many people I have deleted from Facebook in the last year. Last week in my Rhetoric class my professor was telling us about how it's scientifically proven that we are only able to be friends with about 100 people. Facebook is a complete contradiction to that. For example, we all know that the majority of the people we have as "friends" are not actually our friends. With Facebook changing around so much (don't get me started on the timeline thing) and people just loosing interest, it's a short matter of time until we see its demise.

xoxo, Edith