Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Valentine's Day ♥

I've always been a hopeless romantic so when it comes to Valentine's day, I would say it's one of my favorite holidays. I know that you should always be loving to your significant other, but I think  having one specific day dedicated to it is genius. I had an amazing time with Ryan, and the more time I spend with him I realize how blessed I am to have him in my life. This was also the first time I ever made cupcakes by myself and it was surprisingly very easy. I even bought a cupcake tower to decorate it with, it was so cute. Ryan got me flowers, candy, a candle, a bear and all 4 Twilight movies. He's so adorable.

This past weekend was definitely a busy one. My parents flew up to visit me and I was so happy to see them. They came in on friday and left on Sunday. Even though it was just a few days I was happy to spend time with them again. 

Exams have been pretty much taking over my life, but I guess that's what college is all about. I can't believe we are already so far into the school year. Before we know it, finals will be coming up and another semester will be wrapping up. 

Recently I received some not-so-pleasant news, but after looking around and seeing what I have in life I decided that there is no point to sit back and think on the negative. I know that everything will work out the way it is supposed to be. I've decided that negative people don't need to be listened to and just look at the bright side of life. Mother Teresa once said, “People are often unreasonable and self-centered. Forgive them anyway. If you are kind, people may accuse you of ulterior motives. Be kind anyway. If you are honest, people may cheat you. Be honest anyway. If you find happiness, people may be jealous. Be happy anyway. The good you do today may be forgotten tomorrow. Do good anyway. Give the world the best you have and it may never be enough. Give your best anyway. For you see, in the end, it is between you and God. It was never between you and them anyway.” 

At the end of the day our actions speak louder than words. I wish everyone the best.

xoxo Edith